Pink Fire Pointer June 2012

Celebrity Personal Trainers

                      Personal Trainer to the Stars!!

Celebrity Personal Trainers!!

Who are these amazing personal trainers that train the stars, professional athletes, celebrities, rock musicians, and the rest of the rich and famous?

Well, being a personal trainer and a perfectionist, I did some research to find out who they are and how one becomes a personal trainer to the stars. The research I uncovered about these so-called celebrity personal trainers that charge fees of $300+ per hour for their expertise indicates that, like the rest of the personal training industry, there are no requirements of any sort to become a celebrity trainer. Most of these celebrity trainers simply happened to be in the right place at the right time.

I had a close friend who was in a car accident. Since the insurance covered it, he went to see a chiropractor after the accident. During the first few visits, he and the chiropractor got to talking, and they hit it off. The chiropractor happened to know some celebrities, and just by knowing him, my friend got a gig training a star. Fortunately, my friend had a good knowledge base and was great at working with people, although the chiropractor had no real way of knowing this at the time. There was something in it for the chiropractor, though, in that he got a cut for recommending the my friend to the celebrity.

Mangers of celebrities would be doing their star clients a favor if they used a little more caution when hiring personal trainers and the like. As with any referral, a thorough screening and background check are in order before simply hiring a trainer on some other celebrity's say-so. Unfortunately for the client, the endorsement by another famous person is often all it takes for an unqualified musclehead, who knows virtually nothing about how to work with people or train the human body, to get in the door.

Just Because They're Famous Doesn't Mean They're Knowledgeable

I want to state that I am by no means bashing personal trainers who work with stars, or any individual's personal trainer -- although it's always important to find and hire a trainer with the highest level of education, experience, and certifications. Unfortunately, it's not necessarily the people with the best qualifications, but rather those with the best marketing and biggest mouths who usually get all the attention. Take note: This DOES NOT MEAN they know a hill of beans about training. The thing about the lack of regulation in this field is that you don't really have to be very well-qualified to get a job doing it. If you're good at causing a big commotion and conveying confidence about your ability to make people feel good, you will succeed in the business, whether or not you can actually deliver on your promise.

Take a look at the industry and you'll see that celebrity personal trainers are a dime a dozen now. All the biggest stars -- Britney Spears, P‑Diddy, J‑Lo, Oprah, Madonna, Tom Cruise -- have personal trainers. Even the trainers themselves are getting famous now, just because of their celebrity clients. Two of the most celebrated personal trainers are Bob Green, Oprah's trainer, and Gunter, trainer to many celebrities.

I have watched many of these personal trainers on the news and listened to their advice about which diets work and which are the best nutrition products on the market. Trust me, their biggest gift is their ability to get in front of a camera to sell their products, because their advice is questionable, at best. Still, no one can argue their ability to generate millions of dollars because of their proximity to the rich and famous. The sad part is that they're making a large portion of their money by exploiting millions of uneducated, unmotivated people, playing on their unrealistic desires to look like the next celebrity on the big screen.

We're Not All Going to Look Like Supermodels or Professional Athletes

Let's say you work really hard and you're in the best shape of your life, but you still don't look like your idealized image of the perfect man or woman. People, let's be honest with each other. Not everyone is going to look like Pamela Anderson or Brad Pitt. Genetics play a big role in our looks, not to mention the cosmetic enhancements created through plastic surgery, air brushing, and camera tricks. Being healthy and fit doesn't mean you will never have a little fat on your body. Looking great and feeling great without the aid of drugs, cosmetics, and surgery will take you to better places than any amount of fame will ever give you.

Before you decide you want to look like a cover girl or a superjock, it's really important to get comfortable with yourself exactly as you are. Sure, you're going to feel better as you lose weight and build muscle, but the you inside is going to be the same. Yes, your shapely new build may inspire confidence, but the raw materials of your personality are going to be exactly the same. Are you fundamentally happy with your life and who you are now -- or are you waiting around for external improvements to make you feel better on the inside? Just like the roots of a plant determine the quality of its fruit, it's the invisible, internal stuff that determines the happiness of your external life.

Celebrities Whine & Complain Just Like Everybody Else

As a society, we've been trained to look up to people whose job it is to pretend everyday to be someone other than who they are. And because of the glitz and glamour associated with their Hollywood lives, we put them up on pedestals and give extra weight to what they say -- for no reason other than the fact that they're famous.

I hate to break it to you, but I have trained some celebrities and stars -- and the truth is they are no different than you or I. Granted, it's their job to look great all the time, so they spend a ton of time and money making sure they keep on looking good. But they whine and complain just as much as the rest of us. Wouldn't you love to get paid to look good, rather than paying someone to help you look better?

Once upon a time, only celebrities hired personal trainers, in part because only celebrities could afford them, but also because looking good was viewed primarily as the arena of the famous. It's good to know we regular folks are getting smarter, in that we're beginning to realize just how important personal training is in the lives of everyone, not just famous people. If you think about how important a healthy body is to every aspect of your life, you might come to realize that a good trainer is more important than your hair dresser, your CPA, or even your mechanic. In fact, a personal trainer is a mechanic -- only the machine he or she works on is not a car, but the most important machine you will ever own: your body.

Personal trainers help keep you healthy by motivating you -- and the celebrities -- to get in shape and keep off the fat.

The Results of Quick-Fix Shape-Up Programs Never Last

I am constantly amazed when I hear celebrities and their personal trainers promoting their diets and/or nutritional products. If the alleged "professionals" holding the media limelight still don't know how the body functions (and far too many of them don't), it's no wonder our nation just keeps on getting fatter. There are two significant problems with quick-fix formats for training and nutrition. First, these extreme exercise and diet regimens that quickly get stars in phenomenal shape for a movie role or a tour are terrible for the body. Yet many celebrities are willing to do whatever it takes to get in shape as quickly as possible because they know their jobs could be on the line. Secondly, regular people, fans of these fabulous-looking stars, try to follow the celebrities' diet and exercise programs, only to wind up failing, both because they cannot keep up the extreme regimens and because the programs are unnatural and impossible to sustain for any length of time.

Remaining super-lean year-round can be challenging, especially if you're on an exercise program that leans you down in as little as 8 to 12 weeks, such as a bodybuilder's diet and exercise regimen. This process can get you looking phenomenal for a day or two, but I guarantee it won't last much beyond that, because our bodies simply cannot function at that level for any sustained period of time. However, you can achieve these results and stay super-lean year-round with a lifestyle change that incorporates healthy meals and regular exercise. A program like this is geared to burn fat as opposed to primarily building muscle, unlike the regimens celebrity personal trainers often put their star clients on.

The thing is, short-term training programs to get in shape for a one- or two-day event (like a bodybuilding contest) do work, but because they occur at an unnaturally rapid pace, they cannot be carried out for any real length of time, at least not without doing serious harm to the body. But sure enough, most celebrity personal training programs are designed around this quick-fix process because so few personal trainers really understand anatomy and human kinetics, the science of how the human body functions. There are well-educated trainers -- they just happen to be unfortunately rare. I have worked in the industry for many years, and seldom encounter other trainers who have degrees or even quality certifications, or who continue to develop their education and expand their knowledge about human function and performance. In this unregulated industry, no one is checking to see if personal trainers are performing any kind of continuing ed -- and I promise you, most are not.

All this is not to say that you should not hire a personal trainer. Hell, even personal trainers who know hardly anything about creating a quality exercise or nutrition program still can create an environment where you can get in great shape. They can motivate you to achieve better health and make much further progress than you would likely ever accomplish on your own. Almost any personal trainer is better than no personal trainer. Almost.

Differing Levels of Training Experience -- and Results

Certainly there are people reading this who feel they can do it -- the fitness program and healthy diet -- all on their own. More power to anyone who can create a healthy eating plan, incorporate a weight training routine, and practice a regular cardio regimen on their own. Please know, however, you are the extreme exception. For many people, the problem isn't in creating the program or even finding the discipline to commit to it. The problem is that in trying to do it all themselves, they are creating the wrong program for the results they wish to achieve. These are the folks who train regularly, yet see little or no results. They then get frustrated and quit, thinking they have tried everything when it comes to losing fat, that they simply must not be disciplined enough -- when, in reality, discipline has very little to do with it.

There also are those who think they know a lot because they've achieved great results on their own, when in actuality, they've just been blessed with good genes and would benefit by doing almost any kind of exercise. Most of your models, movie stars, and celebrities fall into this category, so any exercise and nutritional program a personal trainer gives them is likely to work like a charm. Under the guidance of a knowledgeable personal trainer and certified nutritionist, these people would see more and better results than they had ever dreamed possible. And the best part would be that the results would last, rather than simply providing the short-term fix they've become used to.

Lastly, of course, are the people who don't care about their health, don't have time to exercise, or never exercise, because exercise hurts, they hate to sweat, or their self-esteem is in the toilet and they figure it's a waste of time to even try. While this sort of personal apathy toward preserving one's health through exercise and proper eating may seem like no one's business but the individual's, it really is a very selfish act. Treating your body well, including getting regular exercise and eating healthy food, is the most unselfish thing you can do. Think about it -- if you don't take care of yourself now, sooner than later, others will have to take care of you. Since you were too lazy, busy, or depressed to invest the time or energy in staying healthy, you will, inevitably, make others suffer.

A Qualified Trainer Will Tailor a Program to Meet Your Needs

If companies and governments were wise, personal trainers would be mandatory and health insurance would cover them. Well, a guy can dream, can't he? Seriously, even if you only see a trainer once a week -- or even once a month -- to check in and make sure you're performing your exercises properly, it's better than not seeing one at all.

Take the time to do the research, and then invest in a qualified trainer who is knowledgeable about how to help you achieve your personal goals. If you have a special need -- a back injury, joint problems, limited range of motion -- find someone who can address your issues specifically. Don't jump on the latest celebrity trainer bandwagon, just because the person is a trainer to the stars. Find a personal trainer who knows how to train your human body and get you results.

Fame Doesn't Equal Expertise -- Particularly in the Health & Fitness Industry

Celebrity personal trainers, spokesmodels, movie stars, athletes, and other rich and famous people probably got where they are because they're great at what they do. That does not mean you should follow their advice about health and nutrition. You probably wouldn't ask a plumber advice about how to change your car's oil, would you? Likewise, celebrities may look good, but that doesn't mean they -- even celebrity trainers -- know anything about proper exercise and nutrition. Hire a health, fitness, and nutrition professional. They are the only people whose advice you should take regarding these subjects. Even medical doctors generally are not the best advocates for proper fitness and nutrition, because they are trained in specific fields and seldom are aware of how all the parts of the body work and move in cooperation.

Have you ever noticed how some of the famous people dishing health advice are not even in that great of shape? Why would you take advice from someone who isn't in peak physical condition? That's like getting your hair cut by a stylist with a bowl cut or having a gap-toothed orthodontist install your braces. Not to mention that anyone can look great, but still feel terrible because they achieved their looks through an unhealthy method.

Research Pays Off When Searching for a Qualified Trainer

The thing is, you don't know what you don't know. As a result, many people fall into the trap of buying the baloney stars like Britney Spears, Oprah, and Dr. Phil are selling. And even though a star might actually have a fabulous, incredibly knowledgeable trainer, a lot can be misinterpreted between the time the trainer offers exercise or diet specifics to his celebrity client and the time that celebrity repeats the info to his or her adoring public. It's like that game of Telephone you played when you were a kid -- by the time the information reaches you, it has turned into misinformation.

How do you know who to believe anyway? One star says they got great results by simply lifting weights and eating fewer calories. The next celebrity says they lost tons of weight by eating a low-fat diet high in protein. Another famous somebody swears by a daily swim, lots of veggies, and whole lot of good carbs. Arghhhhhh!!!! It all sounds confusing as hell. And, in a way, it is.

A program that's right for a size-2 supermodel probably is not right for a heavy stay-at-home mom who is just now learning to incorporate any exercise into her day. The proper program for an individual depends on his or her biochemistry and the specific way their body functions. Understanding human kinetics is not as easy as A-B-C. When it comes to the human body, there may be many underlying reasons why one person begins a simple walking program and, voila, they look phenomenal, while another person runs, lifts weights, and kills themselves in the gym, only to step on the scale and find they've gained another pound.

The human body is awash in mysteries, and a good personal trainer will help you solve yours so you can lose all the fat you want and add all the muscle you desire. Again, personal training is all about you and your results. And even if all your exercise and effort don't drop a pound off you -- if you see no noticeable changes -- know that the exercise is benefiting your body and your health, and it would be stupid to discontinue your program. Rather than quit, find someone to help you fine-tune your regimen so you can begin to see the results from all your hard work.

The main thing is this: Don't follow someone's advice just because they claim to be a personal trainer to the stars or charge $300 an hour. None of that means their program will get you the results you want. There are no healthy quick fixes. Get on a quality exercise program and eat properly, period. Don't waste time, money, or energy, only to become frustrated. Do the research and hire a professional who can give you sensible advice that will get you on your way to looking good and feeling great.

Mangers and Agents for Celebrity Personal Trainers: Consult with a professional call me and I can find you the best personal trainer for your star, celebrity, Athlete, or yourself.

Celebrity Product Placement: A Primer

                    With more and more companies wanting to integrate their products into the lives of
celebrities, now seems like a good time to take a closer look at Celebrity Product
Placement, describe three common approaches, and outline what steps can be taken
to guarantee results.

The term "Celebrity Product Placement" is used to describe several related
techniques, but its definition applies to each: free products are distributed to
celebrities in expectation of a promotional benefit. Unlike the more overt, paid-for
endorsement, it offers a distinct advantage. It can appear like a product choice
made on individual preference.

Most marketers are unaware of their options in this category (one form features
contracts with celebrities, guaranteeing performance and allowing marketers to
actively leverage celebrity patrons in the media) and therefore many overlook a very
powerful influencer-marketing technique.

In this article, I will describe each of the three main approaches and discuss their
relative merits by listing their pros and cons. I also hope to quash any
misconception that Celebrity Product Placement has to be a gamble, and show you
how best to secure a return on investment (R.O.I.).

But first, a little history...

Celebrity Product Placement (sometimes called "Celebrity Seeding") has been with us
since the dawn of marketing. Centuries before Arnold Schwarzenegger stepped into
his first Hummer, an 18th century potter named Josiah Wedgwood began supplying
his wares to England's Queen Charlotte. Being given the title "Potter to Her Majesty"
led to a huge amount of publicity for Wedgwood which he took advantage of using
the term "Queen's Ware" wherever he could.

It wasn't until the 20th century that marketers keyed-in on America's "royalty":
Hollywood. But more often than not they met with disappointing results. Some
companies responded only to occasional requests for products ("gifting"), while
others made half-hearted attempts to distribute them without first devising a means
to guarantee results ("seeding"). In the end, most companies seeded product "to the
wind" and failed to grow anything of value.

Those efforts that did succeed, however, were so successful that independent
specialists emerged to help companies achieve better results. But the services they
offer vary and so do the results.

What's It All About?

Marketers have long known the power of celebrity to influence consumer-
purchasing decisions. The term "borrowed equity" has been used to describe how a
celebrity endorsement can bestow upon a product special attributes and cache it
might not otherwise have.

The same concept applies to Celebrity Product Placement. But unlike celebrity
endorsements, where a highly compensated personality appears in commercial
advertising, Celebrity Product Placement offers marketers a more subtle and highly
effective means of reaching the public - via the media they consume by choice.

Indeed, Celebrity Product Placement is as much about placing products with
celebrities as it is about getting stories about those relationships into the press.
Regardless of the approach, Celebrity Product Placement strategies have a common
aim: to tie celebrities (thought-leaders, influencers) with consumer products in the
public consciousness.

Three different techniques offer three different levels of control over that placement:
gifting-the-talent (this usually involves supplying products for gift bags at live
events); product seeding (products are distributed more widely in hopes of securing
a promotional benefit and kicking off a trend); and, barter relationships (individual
celebrities agree to participate in custom programs in exchange for valuable

Let's take a look at each one in greater detail.


"Everybody" knows that celebrities own all the coolest stuff, and well before
everybody else. Celebrities travel the world and every minute detail of their daily
lives pervades the media. As style-leaders, they are perhaps our most powerful
influencers. It's no wonder then that companies are lining up to give them the latest
gifts and gadgets for free.

One method to do this is called "Gifting-The-Talent." This generally involves
supplying free product for insertion into "goody bags" which are handed out as
'thank you' gifts to celebrity presenters and award nominees at the now-countless
awards shows and charity benefits that dot the entertainment landscape.

At last year's Academy Awards, for example, one of two Best Actress gift-bags
featured Gucci sunglasses, a Sprint PCS phone, Christian Tse 18-carat gold Iris
earrings, and more. The Best Actor bag featured Gucci eyewear, a Maurice Lacroix
Swiss watch and assorted other goodies. According to news reports, the retail value
of one such group of bags at the Oscars exceeded $110,000 each!

But how effective is this practice? If the goal of Celebrity Product Placement is to get
press coverage, can we measure the value of gift-bag placements? What types of
products are suitable and which are not? And what level of control does this strategy
offer marketers both in terms of demographics and reach?

There is no denying the value of being associated with these glitzy events, and by
extension, the celebrities who populate them. On the plus side, they offer a rare
opportunity to get close to the biggest stars in the world. On the minus side, the
marketer has no control in matching up celebrities who hold sway over their
particular demographic. They have to play the cards they are dealt.

Gifting-the-talent at award shows virtually guarantees mentions in the celebrity
press at the time of the event; but without permission to associate the celebrity's
name and likeness with the product, marketers don't have the leeway to truly
leverage those relationships in their own press activities.

Gifting-the-talent in this way has other limitations: first-movers snap-up desirable
categories and, of course, not all products are deemed appropriate. You won't find
an energy drink in these bags.


Product Seeding offers marketers more control over whom to place products with
but, conversely, less control over how (or if) those products get used. And, while
virtually any product - from bottled water to consumer electronics - can be seeded
with celebrities, marketers are playing the odds here. But the payoff can be huge if
the seeding is supported by a creative strategy.

Product Seeding is the oldest form of Celebrity Product Placement. Products are
distributed more widely. They can be aimed at celebrities who are most compelling
to your demographic. And they can be delivered directly to the celebrity without the
filters imposed by events. Of course, working with a specialist who can get your
product directly to celebrities becomes paramount here. Film and television product
placement agencies are NOT set up for this practice.

Taken by itself, Product Seeding is a gamble. If you send enough freebies to
Hollywood but you don't have a creative strategy, a celebrity might be photographed
using your product or evangelizing it on a talk show. But if one looks at Product
Seeding as one tactic in a larger Celebrity Product Placement effort, it can pay big
dividends - particularly in identifying celebrities who have a true affinity for your

Energy Brands, makers of the Glaceau Vitamin Water line, discovered this in 2004.
As a result of its long-time strategy to "home deliver" the vitamin-enhanced drink
to celebrities (including Sean "Puffy" Combs and Tom Cruise), the company gained a
fan in 50 Cent. Having mentioned his preference for the product in a series of
interviews, the Hip Hop star - who is well known for his fitness-centered lifestyle -
became an obvious choice for brand spokesperson.

Speaking to Ad Age magazine, Energy Brands' VP of marketing, Rohan Oza, said
"We've seen that when 50 Cent incorporates [Vitamin Water] into his daily routine ...
the brand gets on the airwaves and we create a lot of trial." Making vitamin water a
visible part of the rapper's healthy lifestyle worked so well the company launched a
new "Formula 50" variety named for the artist.

Such "organic" relationships can grow from Product Seeding. Not only can marketers
benefit from press mentions, but the process can be used to uncover promotional
opportunities and, in some cases, identify the most ideal product endorsers.

Product Seeding remains a gamble but, if executed properly, one well worth taking.
Relatively speaking, it is a very low-cost marketing program. And the return on
investment - though difficult to forecast compared to barter relationships discussed
below - can be big. But what if your goal is limited to getting press mentions? Can a
publicist hedge his or her bets in this category?

One of the great things about Product Seeding is how creative you can get. For
Trident White chewing gum, the company commissioned a Harris poll asking the
public to vote on the best "celebrity smiles." My company, which specializes in
celebrity product placement, delivered gift baskets of the product to the Top 6
winners, allowing Trident to plug the celebrities in their press materials.

On another occasion, Electrolux - maker of a new high-end, super-quiet vacuum
cleaner - wanted to align their product with celebrities. We identified 6 celebrity
moms who had recently given birth and - touting the fact that these vacuums would
not wake a sleeping baby - made gifts of the product to each. Here again, the
company was able to use celebrities to draw press coverage for its product. And
they were able to reference these celebrities because they were stating facts (a gift
was made to...).

But what if you want tighter integration with celebrities? Suppose you need to
forecast a return on investment in order to get approval for a Celebrity Product
Placement campaign? And what if you want celebrities to provide feedback about
your product and authorize use of their names and likenesses as part of your press


Barter is, perhaps, the only way to guarantee performance on the part of the
celebrity. Unlike other forms of gifting, this is a quid pro quo relationship whereby
the celebrity agrees in advance to participate in the marketer's promotional activities
- in exchange for valuable product.

Celebrity Product Placement campaigns of this type work best for big-ticket items
such as consumer electronics and (the loan of) cars. But with creative approaches,
special product questionnaires and generous "Right of Publicity" agreements,
marketers can use the celebrity's name, likeness and opinion as part of their public
relations campaigns.

Celebrity Product Placement - via barter agreements - is also among the most
affordable ways to use celebrities. For the price of a few products, and sometimes a
token honorarium, companies can integrate testimonials into their PR materials and
create customized celebrity content for their websites.

They can involve numerous stars in a press campaign for less than the cost of a
single paid celebrity spokesperson. It is one of the most under-exploited tactics
available to marketers today.

A Case Study: Sony Electronics

The Sony CD Mavica - at the time, the only digital camera offering a built-in CD-
Rom - had failed to penetrate the increasingly crowded market for digital imaging
products. This was troubling for Sony because the CD Mavica offered clear
advantages over its competitors; namely, freedom from wires. But that message had
failed to reach the public.

Sony wanted to involve celebrities with their products and for that involvement to
influence the public in a meaningful way. They wanted a high-profile event -
preferably benefiting charity - upon which to launch a yearlong press campaign in
time for the Christmas shopping season. The focus: to promote the simplicity of
CD-based photography.

The budget was limited. But, having learned that the latest Sony products could be
made available to gift the talent, The Hollywood-Madison Group proposed a
Celebrity Product Placement campaign. Each celebrity would be asked to take a
picture of what "Freedom" means to them, and those photos would be auctioned off
for charity.

Such an artistic challenge, coupled with the prospect of receiving free Sony product,
not only served to induce celebrities to participate, but offered us an extraordinary
opportunity: to frame these pictures and mount an exhibition which raised money
for charity. Indeed, the charity component attracted higher-caliber celebrities and
provided the "hook" to draw media attention.

We successfully placed the Sony CD Mavica digital camera with fifteen top stars
including Eric McCormack, Alyssa Milano and Dennis Hopper. The photographs were
then offered for sale on eBay as part of Wired magazine's annual charity auction,
and put on display at a star-studded event in Los Angeles.

Fifteen top celebrities demonstrated the practical use of Sony's product and
authorized the use of their names, likenesses and opinions about the product for
press and marketing purposes (for one year). Sony received free advertising for its
product in print and online for three months (worth an estimated $100,000), as well
as 3.6 million webpage impressions (auction as a whole) and national press
coverage including Entertainment Tonight.

You can read more about this project on our website>celebrity_projects>influencer


Celebrity Product Placement offers marketers an exciting way to influence
consumer-purchasing decisions. Properly executed, it can be a low-cost, high-
return proposition. As such, it should be part of every consumer-marketing

Three different approaches offer three different results: gifting-the-talent (narrow
focus); product seeding (broad focus) and, barter relationships (one-on-one focus).
But, as we have seen, a tightly integrated celebrity product placement campaign,
combining elements of each, can improve results and deliver an impressive return
on investment.

Angelina Jolie Hairstyle - A Hollywood Analysis

                    The shape of the face is the most fundamental feature that will determine the most flattering hairstyle. It is not the ears, eyes, or the lips that will help a woman determine the best haircut for her. This means that if a woman has prominent pouting lips, it does not automatically allow her to copy the Angelina Jolie hairstyle. Lips can be factored in later to resolve little details of the hairstyle. But the shape of the lips is not the deal breaker, not even for the Angelina Jolie hairstyle.

Angelina Jolie's unique face shape

Most hair stylists would insist that there are only few basic face shapes, and these are the heart, the diamond, the oblong, the round, the oval, and the square. Unfortunately, in the real world, an individual person's face shape could not be easily categorized.

Most faces are combinations of two or more of these basic shapes. And the shape of Angelina Jolie's face is a great example. Luckily, the Angelina Jolie hairstyle in 2008, as seen in the movies "Wanted" and "Changeling," was able to bring out the best of her unique face shape.

What is Angelina Jolie's face shape? Due to her "strong woman" roles that began in the Tomb Raider movies, it is easy to magnify her strong jaw line and assume that she has a square face. But Angelina Jolie also has the classic features of a high forehead and high cheekbones that make other people believe that she has an oval face shape. This is not exactly correct. The length of the oval face should be 1 ½ times longer than the width measured at the cheekbones. Angelina Jolie's face does not quite meet this criterion. Her face is wider than the normal oval face.

Oval faces can get away with many hairstyles, including angular bobs and blunt bangs. Angelina Jolie could not get away with bangs. This is why no Angelina Jolie hairstyle will include bangs that cover the entire forehead. It would make her face look wider, and the effect would be utterly appalling. There should be no Egyptian princess hairstyles for Angelina Jolie.

Picking the right length and texture for Angelina Jolie's hairstyles

With the ratio of the length and width of her face, Angelina Jolie's face shape is a combination of oval and square. Combined face shapes are tricky to style, but Angelina Jolie's hairstyle manages her face with flying colors. Since the upper part of her face is dominantly oval, all Angelina Jolie's hairstyles ensure that nothing covers the forehead, except for the occasional side-swept bangs. And since the lower part of her face is dominantly square, all Angelina Jolie hairstyles have soft waves. The strictly square face, such as that of Demi Moore, can get away with boyish short cuts. Angelina Jolie's hairstyles should not follow suit. For example, Angelina Jolie tried short hair in 1995 in the movie Hackers. It was not flattering.

The shortest Angelina Jolie hairstyle is the one that she sported in the movie Changeling. The hairstyle, of course, is utterly feminine with its wild abundant curls. The curls, with their free movement, throws soft shadows on her square jaw line. With this in mind, all of Angelina Jolie hairstyles have bodies that tend to curl. But is it always necessary to have curls that can soften the jaw line? One Angelina Jolie hairstyle that does not have curls covering the jaw line was in Tomb Raider. But remember that she has two thick strands of hair falling in front of her left face that diverted attention from her square jaw.

Angelina Jolie's hairstyle compliments face shapes that are combinations of oval and square. The open hairstyles and absence of bangs accentuate the eyes and flaunt the best features of the forehead and cheeks. The curls and the longer hair lengths soften the square jaw line. And since the face belongs to Angelina Jolie, with the famous pouting lips and mysterious cat-like eyes, the effect the hairstyle is that of a confident and sensual woman.